
Agrodoks (Agromisa, CTA)

This hugely popular series consists of simple, practical manuals on agricultural methods. Agrodoks have proved to be useful and informative guides for farmers and field workers in tropical and subtropical countries. With nearly 50 titles in English, French and Portuguese and 2 in Swahili, every topic is covered in a language you can understand

  • Entering the organic export market

    Entering the organic export market

    With increasing global demand and premium prices, farmers in developing countries can benefit enormously from ...

  • Backyard rabbit keeping in the tropics

    Backyard rabbit keeping in the tropics

    Anyone seeking to keep rabbits for profit, food or fun will find this practical text ...

  • Dairy cattle husbandry

    Dairy cattle husbandry

    This Agrodok booklet helps smallholders increase profits from dairy farming. It offers advice on how ...

  • Mitigating the effects of HIV/AIDS in small-scale farming

    Mitigating the effects of HIV/AIDS in small-scale farming

    With its brief, straight forward account of how HIV/AIDS undermines community welfare and the productive ...

  • Small-scale freshwater fish farming

    Small-scale freshwater fish farming

    With a focus on pond contruction and management, this practical text aims to provide basic ...

  • Snail farming: Production, processing and marketing

    Snail farming: Production, processing and marketing

    This booklet provides all you need to know to farm snails on a small-scale for ...

  • The home garden in the tropics

    The home garden in the tropics

    The garden can contribute substantially to an improved diet for households. With this in mind, ...

  • The rural finance landscape

    The rural finance landscape

    Providing an excellent platform from which to begin to explore appropriate financial services for your ...

  • Zoonoses: Diseases transmitted from animals to humans

    Zoonoses: Diseases transmitted from animals to humans

    Zoonoses – infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans – pose a ...

  • Ethnoveterinary medicine

    Ethnoveterinary medicine

    Presenting a practical approach to the treatment of cattle diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, this booklet ...
