Roots and tubers value chain development and food and nutrition security - PNG

Root and tuber crops (RTCs) have been the mainstay for 85% of Papua New Guineans, contributing to food security and household income. Although RTCs have special importance in Papua New Guinea (PNG), research and development on increasing their production has been minimal. Eighty percent of the population is reliant on agriculture, but the government focusses on non-renewable minerals and petroleum production. In this paper, the status of RTCs in PNG is outlined. Linking the private sector with farmer groups and government support, is key for RTC development.

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    List of acronyms
    Executive summary
    Important pests of sweet potato and their control in PNG
    Connecting farmers: Adoption of technology
    Lessons learned
    Conclusions, recommendations and way forward

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Roots and tubers value chain development and food and nutrition security - PNG