Building the evidence base on the agricultural nutrition nexus: Cameroon

People are at the centre of development and more so if development is to be sustainable. According to the Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals, individual wellbeing is essential to sustaining the inter-generational gains in health, productivity and social engagement that underpin the sustainable development agenda. Food and nutrition security (FNS) is currently high on the policy agenda of most African countries including Cameroon. The goal of this study is to generate context-specific knowledge for informing policy processes and the development of strategies to support the attainment of FNS goals in Cameroon.

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    List of Figures
    List of Tables
    List of Acronyms
    Executive summary
    The State of FNS in Cameroon
    Underlying Determinants of Nutrition Status in Cameroon
    Stakeholder Analysis of the Agriculture–Nutrition Nexus in Cameroon
    Nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive Initiatives
    Nutrition knowledge
    Conclusions and way forward

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Building the evidence base on the agricultural nutrition nexus: Cameroon