Adopting and practising ICTled agriculture by young farmers: A success story in Luwero District, Uganda

The adoption and use of ICT-led agriculture is crucial if food production is to adapt to increasing demand, finite agricultural resources and the challenges of climate change. This paper highlights the successes of a few strong pockets of organised farmers, the innovative women and youth groups of Uganda’s Luwero district. Focusing on the diverse experiences of these farmers, enabling elements and strategies for up-scaling, this case holds both lessons and inspiration for others looking to embrace new technologies and change.

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    Executive summary
    A general impression of ICT-led agriculture
    How conventional agricultural practices affected young farmers in Luwero
    The role of ICTs as transformative enablers to young farmers in Luwero
    The potential of ICTs for the young farmers in Luwero
    Future plans

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Adopting and practising ICTled agriculture by young farmers: A success story in Luwero District, Uganda