Fighting Rural Poverty in India, Nepal and Buthan

In initiating and reinforcing a systematic approach to learning from development experiences, CTA invited a number of organisations working in remote rural parts of Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia and India. The idea was to introduce Experience Capitalisation as a particularly effective methodology for this purpose. Participating organisations were expected to use this knowledge to document and analyse their own work over a period of 3-4 months with support from colleagues, partners and the communities they were supporting. This resulted in a set of written documents aimed at sharing findings with wider audiences. The finest twelve of these find a place in this collection.

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    A springs mapping exercise in Meghalaya
    Decentralised agrobiodiversity conservation: A multi stakeholder participatory experiment
    Reviving the harmonious relationship with nature in Ladakh
    The community-driven revival of barren lands for sustainable livelihoods
    A fisher-friendly mobile application for Nagapattinam
    The institutionalization of an online reporting system
    A GIS-based index tool for the selection of ponds for fisheries
    Producer groups promote goat rearing in Uttarakhand
    Does access to microfinance matter for rural women?
    Better livelihoods through poultry enterprises
    Business literacy classes for enhancing Nepalese women’s access to knowledge, skills and resources
    Financial mainstreaming for the rural poor: the JEEViKA experience

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Fighting Rural Poverty in India, Nepal and Buthan