Building the evidence base on the agricultural nutrition nexus: Vanuatu

A rapid scan on the agriculture and nutrition situation in Vanuatu was undertaken in 2017 to build the evidence base for strengthening the linkage between two important sectors – agriculture and health, for improved food and nutrition outcomes.
The food and nutrition situation in Vanuatu has changed over the years as dietary patterns and lifestyles transitioned from a dependence on mostly subsistence living to a more urbanised western lifestyle. Since independence in the early 1980s, food crop production has not significantly increased although the population has almost doubled. In 1983 approximately 0.9 kg of food crops were produced and presumably consumed per capita per day compared to 0.5 kg in 2007. This has resulted in increased dependence on imported foods and the consumption of refined foods that contain higher levels of saturated fats and oils, salt and sugar; less physical activity and increased exposure to other risk factors linked to alcohol intake and smoking. Variation between the food and nutrition situation of rural and urban households and between rural households involved in cash cropping and in subsistence farming, and poor and more affluent urban households have been noted.

  • Show table of contents

    List of tables
    List of figures
    Acronyms and abbreviations
    Executive summary
    About Vanuatu
    Status of food and nutrition security
    Pathways linking agriculture to nutrition
    The changing context of agriculture and nutrition in Vanuatu
    The impact of agriculture and nutrition policies on food and nutrition outcomes
    Case studies
    Lessons Learned
    Discussion and conclusion
    Next steps
    Appendix 1 Key findings and policy implications of 2007 nutrition survey

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Building the evidence base on the agricultural nutrition nexus: Vanuatu